country (kun'tri)
adj. 1. pertaining, or peculiar to, one's own country; native. 2. rural, rustic. 3. churlish, rude.

girl (gurl)
n. 1. a female child, a maiden. 2 a female servant. 3. a sweetheart.

autobiographical 'toons since 2008! these 'toons make no sense at all unless you read them from the bottom up; but, do what you want.....

--kuntri gurl, aka bbear, aka brenna


a maker's world

if you are driving on the west side of san juan island you can't miss this amazing roadside attraction, one of the most amazing things I've ever seen! tiny rooms made from cement truck containers, with wood stoves made from propane tanks. my  drawings don't do it justice at all, it's an experiential thing. go check it out. I got so inspired i'm going to take some welding clases this winter.

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